This den meets once per month to work on age specific skills and badge requirements. Check with the Lions den leader to confirm meeting dates.
No School | Bellingham Public Schools
Pack 19 celebrates Scouting’s Anniversary with a “birthday party” called the Blue and Gold Banquet. This event is taking place on Founder’s Day, the date of Robert Baden-Powell’s birthday (the founder of Boy Scouts). Blue & Gold is a special event celebrating our Scouts accomplishments as well as our Arrow of Lights (Webelos 2) progression to Boy Scouts. At this celebration we will
- Have dinner (if you have any dietary concerns, please reach out to one of the contacts below)
- Celebrate the pins, loops, and other awards our Scouts have earned recently
- Learn about the Friend of Scouts organization (If you are able to give, please remember to bring a donation.)
- Celebrate our AOL (Arrow of Lights) graduating to Boy Scouts
- Distribute Popcorn Sales prizes
We are looking for people to assist with set up and take down. We will need at least 6 people to assist with set-up and 8 people for take down. Please reach out to Jenn Mittag or Michelle Segerman for questions, dietary concerns, or to volunteer to make this evening special for our children.
No School | Bellingham Public Schools