Cub Scouts and parents walk in the parade to raise awareness of scouting with the community.
Details TBA.
Our monthly parent meeting to plan meetings and events. Parents who are not on the committee are requested to attend at least 2 meetings each year.
An overnight camping trip for the scouts and their families. The boys will advance to the next badge rank, and we will celebrate the scouting year. More details TBA.
This will be between a 3-6 hour meeting (start time is TBD). We will be putting a schedule together for the upcoming year. We are discussing child care during the meeting as we are really hoping to get as many parents there as possible. If you have thoughts or suggestions please share with the committee.
Bring your pole and some snacks for an evening of fishing. We will be at Lake Louise across the street from the Sudden Valley Market. There is some parking at the lake and more available in the parking lot of Sudden Valley Market and Tino’s Pizza.
Our annual swim party is open to all the scouts and their families. Also, if you know of any kids considering Cub Scouts or a friend you WANT to join please invite them along to the party. The pack will provide pizzas and families can bring chips or cookies and their own drinks.
Our monthly parent meeting to plan meetings and events. Parents who are not on the committee are requested to attend at least 2 meetings each year.
A weekend camping trip for the scouts and their families with more details coming soon.
Our monthly parent meeting to plan meetings and events. Parents who are not on the committee are requested to attend at least 2 meetings each year.