Cub Scouts will enjoy the outdoors, work on advancement, and create stronger Packs as they grow together in building their skills as during the Passport to Adventure. Registration forms are available now at den and pack meetings. Remember the March 9th turn in date for the $95.00 per scout Early Bird Special. The regular price is $105.00 until June 1st, then the fee goes up to $125.00.
Bring your pole and some snacks for an evening of fishing. We will be at Lake Louise across the street from the Sudden Valley Market. There is some parking at the lake and more available in the parking lot of Sudden Valley Market and Tino’s Pizza.
No School | Bellingham Public Schools
Check with your den leader to confirm meeting dates. The dens often meet 3 times per month to work on age specific skills and badge requirements. Lions Den (kindergarteners) meets only once a month.
Our annual swim party is open to all the scouts and their families. Also, if you know of any kids considering Cub Scouts or a friend you WANT to join please invite them along to the party. The pack will provide pizzas and families can bring chips or cookies and their own drinks.
Check with your den leader to confirm meeting dates. The dens often meet 3 times per month to work on age specific skills and badge requirements. Lions Den (kindergarteners) meets only once a month.